Robo gets stuck in the dark hole. Find the three objects which have key1, key2, key3. Enter them when you reach the end and get the prompt to enter the key.

Development log


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I'm a newbie in game development and this is the first game jam I've participated. I would appreciate getting feedback on how I can improve!

Hey guys, I've edited the build settings. Follow the install instructions and you will be able to play the game.


Please update us when we can play this one! I want to give it a try!


"Failed to download file Build/ Loading web pages via a file:// URL without a web server is not supported by this browser. Please use a local development web server to host Unity content, or use the Unity Build and Run option."  I think you intended for us to click on the "index" html file and play it locally using our brower, but it seems like unity webgl doesn't support that.


Is this supposed to be played in the browser?